[kplato] Hello

Gaël de Chalendar Gael.de-Chalendar at cea.fr
Fri Nov 10 09:36:10 CET 2006


Le vendredi 10 novembre 2006 08:30, Dag Andersen a écrit :
> Torsdag 09 november 2006 18:34 skrev Kevin Ottens:
> > I'm wondering about this one. I'm not 100% about the semantic of this
> > dependency. Could someone enlighten me?
> task1 <--- task2.
> means task2 has to start before task1 can finish, so I suppose task2 should
> be calculated first.
> I don't think there are many use cases for it, I can't pull one from the
> top of my head just now ;)
Maybe some specifications (like a file format) of task2 (that could be 
splitted in more detailed subtasks) should be finished to allow the final 
implementation of task1 ?
This allows to have some tasks not too much detailed.



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