[kplato] Hello

Thomas Zander zander at kde.org
Sat Nov 4 13:38:51 CET 2006

On Saturday 04 November 2006 12:55, Nicolas MICAS wrote:
> We are a team of five French Students from Toulouse. During our
> cursus we are going to work on the KPlato project, with our teacher
> Ervin, during five months for six hours per week and per persons. In
> order to bring good changes to this application we would like to know
> if you have some ideas or advices to help us building our TODO list.
> Here are some items we think are important to develop (please give us
> a priority order to each point of the list): 

Welcome Nicolas!

I will let Dag reply to your list.

I suggest you create an account for all 5 members on 
http://wiki.koffice.org and, if possible, maintain your TODO lists and 
design notes on there.
Send me an email with the account names and I will make sure they can 
alter the pages.

Welcome again :)
Thomas Zander
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