[kplato] Writing APIDox proposal

Galmes Pierre-Andre pagalmes at starxpert.fr
Thu Mar 30 11:01:20 CEST 2006

Le Mercredi 29 Mars 2006 17:31, Raphael Langerhorst a écrit :

> Hi Pierre-André,

Hi Raphael,

> thanks for your willingness to help with docs. That's always a pleasure for
> me :)


> I would suggest you just start anywhere you want and expand your
> understanding of the source from there and document the classes after
> understanding them.

Ok, let's try it then.

> Regarding external documentation... I plan to work on such a developer
> handbook (or whatever you want to call it) for a while now. I need to find
> the proper time to start on it though - and not everyone is convinced that
> we really need one. But I think it's good to have a document that outlines
> the design of KOffice as a whole and the individual components, at least in
> a general way so that new developers/contributors find their way into the
> project faster and easier.

I am also convinced that this is a real need and is an important point in KDE 
projects (That's one of thereasons why I like programming with QT). In 
particular, having a "global view" of the project would ease starting to 

> If you start with APIDOX that's great.

I will try to :-)
Pierre-André Galmes
StarXpert - www.starxpert.fr
6, rue Eugène Varlin - 75010 Paris

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