[kplato] Fwd: KPlato-Erweiterungen

Dag Andersen danders at get2net.dk
Wed Mar 29 10:09:21 CEST 2006

On Wednesday den 29. March 2006 08:51, Raphael Langerhorst wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 01:59 schrieb Thomas Zander:
> > Hi there;
> >
> > Lets direct the attached email to the right spot;  I certainly
> > know Mr Trobin so I guess this is a legit email.
> > I'm not entirely sure what Peter asks for, or if he is actually
> > offering something; so if a native german speaker can interpret
> > it for this list; that would be great.
> >
> > Hope you can follow up with this!
> Hi,
> the translation goes something like this:
> They are looking for advanced scheduling features for KPlato,
> including overlaping of tasks and buffers (going into more
> "dynamic" scheduling). Probably also taking resource availability
> into account and such.
> Peter is asking whether something like that is available or being
> worked on.
From the TODO:
There are 5 main areas to work on before koffice 2.0:
1) Port to kde4.
2) Improve the gui. (Take advantage of the new qt4 possibilities)
3) Improve scheduling functionality. This can be done by:
   * Improving the existing scheduling code, or
   * Switching to taskjuggler.
     Atm. (29-03-2006) I (Dag Andersen) am in contact with 
     Chris Schlaeger and we're investigating problems/possibilities.
4) Improve koffice integration.
5) Work on XML file format towards a odf standard.

In short, it's not available, it's not work in progress and it will 
take quite some time before it's available.

> Best Regards,

Dag Andersen

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