[kplato] Diploma thesis about F/OSS for Projectmanagement

Harald Ulver harald.ulver at fh-vie.ac.at
Tue Mar 21 22:32:40 CET 2006

Hi everyone,

first of all sorry for using this mailing-list, but I don't know any
other contact adress for this question.

My name is Harald Ulver, I am studying "Projectmanagement and IT" in 
Vienna/Austria and I am just writing my diploma thesis with the title 
"Free and Open Source Software (F/OSS) for Projectmanagement"

Of course I would love to mention KPlato too, that's why I ask you, when
the current version 0.5 was published, when the next version will be
published and when you plan to release the first stable version.

Furthermore I would like to know, when which version of KPlato gets
included to the KOffice-Suite.

I hope to hear from you soon, because I have to finish my diploma thesis
quite soon.

Thanks very much for everything in advance.

Have a nice day

Harald Ulver

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