[kplato] problem with multiple working duration per day

Dag Andersen danders at get2net.dk
Wed Jan 4 13:36:22 CET 2006

On Onsdag 21 december 2005 15:24, fmdp wrote:
> Here is a testcase of the problem (see the .kplato attached)
> standard working day is 8-16 + 17-20 (11h)
> monday to friday are the same (each redefined, to be sure)
> If I create a task of 33h, it sets it to 3 days (good) but only
> display it in 2 days in the gantt...
Ok, think I fixed it, probably I was interrupted during implementation 
because the functionality wasn't complete. I simplified the use of 
the StandardWorktime thing (do you have a better name?). It's only 
used when entering/showing estimates now. To define working hours you 
have to use calendars. (The problem with setting calendar for 
resources is also fixes.)
> By the way, I just see an other strange thing:
> open the file I attached.
> edit one task (test2) and you'll see 'effort' of 2d 9h.
> enter something in the Note area. click ok
> Then, reedit the task, the hour area will be sub by 2! (2d 7h the
> very next time, 2d 5h, and follows like this until 2d 1h)
Fixed. BTW, the duration/effort widget, do you you think it works ok?
Shaheed came up with this since we wanted a (simple) way to localize 
it. It's still kind of prototype, atm it can't handle more than days, 
it should at least handle weeks imo.
> Fred
> Le Mercredi 21 Décembre 2005 14:55, Dag Andersen a écrit :
> > On Onsdag 21 december 2005 14:17, fmdp wrote:
> > > - doesn't handle correctly the task duration when set more than
> > > one working plage per day (set 13:0->15:0 and 20:0->23:59)=>
> > > all tasks are displayed as '1 day long' in the gantt
> >
> > I don't know what you expected to see , but it should display the
> > task as starting 13:0 and ending 23:59. It doesn't show that no
> > work is going on from 15:0 to 20:0.

Dag Andersen

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