[kplato] I can compile in Mac OS X

Raphael Langerhorst raphael.langerhorst at kdemail.net
Sat Apr 15 11:22:34 CEST 2006

Am Samstag, 15. April 2006 08:09 schrieb Luis Gerardo Muro Ramos:
> Hi list
> I am interested in using Kplato in the administration of projects,
> but not if it is possible to be compiled in Mac, download the source
> code but I need the kde libs
>    thanks


does fink or darwin ports provide KOffice? In such a case you should wait 
until the 1.5.0 version is available there and install that. I never had a 
MAC to install koffice on, so I have no idea what it takes to manually 
install it - anyone else?


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