[kplato] Writing APIDox proposal

Galmes Pierre-Andre pagalmes at starxpert.fr
Mon Apr 10 12:40:38 CEST 2006

Le Dimanche 2 Avril 2006 09:29, Raphael Langerhorst a écrit :


sorry for not answering sooner but I was away last week.

> If you have time to write API documentation I hope you still plan to do
> that, I think it's not so important to be able to generate the apidox,
> although it's nice of course. But still you don't need to generate anything
> just for adding some doxygen compatible comments to the source.

To start with Koffice, I was hoping to be able to generate the Apidox ! And 
now, it works :-)

Adrian added some doc on his tutorial to explain how to compile the Apidox "by 
hand" ! I will try to start working on it tonight.

> In any case, have a nice week!

Thanks :-)

> Raphael

Pierre-André Galmes
StarXpert - www.starxpert.fr
6, rue Eugène Varlin - 75010 Paris

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