[kplato] Release

Raphael Langerhorst Raphael.Langerhorst at kdemail.net
Fri Sep 23 14:57:12 CEST 2005

On Wednesday 21 September 2005 10:20, Dag Andersen wrote:
> Hi, I'm just in for a short spell today, but should be back on a
> more regular basis in 2 or 3 weeks.
> I see that a 1.5 release is planned for koffice early 2006. This
> could possibly be a convenient time to make a first release of
> kplato, so here are some thoughts on that.

Just a quick note: I CERTAINLY want KPlato to be released with 1.5. 
And I will also help as much as I can (probably not much, but still). 
I'll be myself more available in about 2 weeks (a rough guess...).

Best wishes,

> Refering to Claus's project phases:
> http://lists.kde.org/?l=kplato&m=109935285813523&w=2
> I would propose to focus on the planning and scheduling phases,
> mainly:
>   1.1. Identify tasks (Work Breakdown Structur - WBS)
>   1.2. Identify dependencies between tasks
>   1.3. Identify ressources (Ressource Breakdown Structure - RBS)
>   1.4. Identify costs (Cost Breakdown Structure)
> and:
>   2.1. Solve workload problems
>   2.2. Solve dependencies problems
>   2.3. Solve duration problems
> Of these, 1.1-1.3 is mostly there, maybe some dialogs needs a
> facelift but basically it's there.
> For a 0.x release, I think we should get rid of:
> - The network chart. It was a quick hack I put in a looong time ago
>  to be able to enter/view task dependencies and test some code that
>  was allready there before me. I don't see how to come up with
>  usefull, working stuff in a reasonable timeframe.
> - The resource use view (bar charts etc) is mostly a conceptual
> test and imo a blind alley. I would rather go for using kchart now
> that it even has a maintainer :)
> Then there is the question of file format. It would be nice imho,
> to have the 'final' file format also in first release, but I don't
> see how that's going to happen, so if somebody doesn't step forward
> (please :) I guess we're stuck with what's there.
> In general, I'm not too happy with the existing dialogs, especially
> the resource-, calendar- and progress dialogs. Maybe Thomas could
> give some input here?
> (I had the notion to make some sort of 'structured editor' for at
> least the task entry/editing using QListView as basis, but I
> quickly put that on the backburner since it meant rewriting parts
> of QListView and of course, QT4 is coming with it's new framework.
> So maybe after the QT4 port.)
> Embedding into other koffice parts isn't implemented. It would be
> nice to support it since 'integration' is a positive word in most
> koffice reviews, but I don't see how it's easily done in a way that
> is usefull.
> To Skip or Not to Skip...
> --
> Mvh,
> Dag Andersen
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Raphael Langerhorst

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