[kplato] Release

Dag Andersen danders at get2net.dk
Wed Sep 21 10:20:12 CEST 2005

Hi, I'm just in for a short spell today, but should be back on a more
regular basis in 2 or 3 weeks.

I see that a 1.5 release is planned for koffice early 2006. This 
could possibly be a convenient time to make a first release of kplato, 
so here are some thoughts on that.

Refering to Claus's project phases:
I would propose to focus on the planning and scheduling phases, 
  1.1. Identify tasks (Work Breakdown Structur - WBS)
  1.2. Identify dependencies between tasks
  1.3. Identify ressources (Ressource Breakdown Structure - RBS)
  1.4. Identify costs (Cost Breakdown Structure)
  2.1. Solve workload problems
  2.2. Solve dependencies problems
  2.3. Solve duration problems

Of these, 1.1-1.3 is mostly there, maybe some dialogs needs a facelift 
but basically it's there.

For a 0.x release, I think we should get rid of:
- The network chart. It was a quick hack I put in a looong time ago
 to be able to enter/view task dependencies and test some code that
 was allready there before me. I don't see how to come up with
 usefull, working stuff in a reasonable timeframe.
- The resource use view (bar charts etc) is mostly a conceptual test
and imo a blind alley. I would rather go for using kchart now that it
even has a maintainer :)

Then there is the question of file format. It would be nice imho, to
have the 'final' file format also in first release, but I don't
see how that's going to happen, so if somebody doesn't step forward
(please :) I guess we're stuck with what's there.

In general, I'm not too happy with the existing dialogs, especially
the resource-, calendar- and progress dialogs. Maybe Thomas could
give some input here?
(I had the notion to make some sort of 'structured editor' for at 
least the task entry/editing using QListView as basis, but I quickly 
put that on the backburner since it meant rewriting parts of 
QListView and of course, QT4 is coming with it's new framework. So 
maybe after the QT4 port.)

Embedding into other koffice parts isn't implemented. It would be nice
to support it since 'integration' is a positive word in most koffice 
reviews, but I don't see how it's easily done in a way that is 
To Skip or Not to Skip...

Dag Andersen

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