[kplato] Release

Dag Andersen danders at get2net.dk
Sat Oct 8 10:27:54 CEST 2005

On Fredag 07 oktober 2005 15:41, Sidoine Mosiah PIERREL wrote:
> I've been away too for professionnal purpose but I will compile the
> last CVS tonight and begin the user documentation and as much as I
> can. The package I make will be available for Ubuntu 5.04 -
> Kubuntu.
Hi Siodine,
thanks for doing this!
However, before packaging we need to fix a crash. It happens during 
report generation (there has been some rather extensive changes to 
Kugar during the summer, so...) I'll have look at it next thing.
> Regards,
> Sidoine

Dag Andersen

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