[kplato] Greetings

Raphael Langerhorst raphael-langerhorst at gmx.at
Mon May 23 08:36:12 CEST 2005

On Friday 20 May 2005 16:02, Marc Lijour wrote:
> Hi kplato developers and users
> I am part of a team which is working on a project management and
> communication tool directed mostly to developers. I am following
> closely what is happening with kolab, kontact, opengroupware.org
> and other projects and the concepts they built on. KDE integration
> would be nice for the tool.
> On the website it is difficult to determine if this project is
> still alive and what is going on. However, we could probably make
> some road together.
> Do you have some pointers to what we need to know in order to work
> with you?
> Regards,
> marc Lijour

Hi Marc,

thanks a lot for your interest in KPlato. And yes, KPlato is certainly 
actively developed. But there is only one active maintainer (Dag 
Anderson), thus there is not much list traffic.

KPlato is already far developed and can be considered usable in an 
experimental state. It is intended to improve it further to include 
it in the next major KOffice release (after KOffice 1.4).

I'm also interested in contributing to KPlato, but won't have enough 
time before... August this year I assume. Then I'll help out with 
KPlato as much as I can, so it can be included in the next KOffice 

KPlato, as a KDE and KOffice application, has enormous potential for 
an integrated project managing application (IMO). I think this makes 
it very interesting and KPlato deserves to be created/developed.

If you consider to contribute, please don't hesitate to put forward 
your ideas on this list so they can be discussed. You can also check 
out the current SVN version of KPlato and look through the source 
code. There is no particular roadmap in terms of features apart from 
being included in the next major KOffice release (if it's ready by 
then). Thus you're free to put forward your own ideas. I'd be happy 
to discuss features and ideas about KPlato with you (and Dag 
certainly as well).

Best Regards,
Raphael Langerhorst

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