[kplato] problem with multiple working duration per day

fmdp fmdp at free.fr
Wed Dec 21 15:24:15 CET 2005

Here is a testcase of the problem (see the .kplato attached)

standard working day is 8-16 + 17-20 (11h)
monday to friday are the same (each redefined, to be sure)
If I create a task of 33h, it sets it to 3 days (good) but only display it in 
2 days in the gantt...

By the way, I just see an other strange thing:
open the file I attached.
edit one task (test2) and you'll see 'effort' of 2d 9h.
enter something in the Note area. click ok
Then, reedit the task, the hour area will be sub by 2! (2d 7h the very next 
time, 2d 5h, and follows like this until 2d 1h)


Le Mercredi 21 Décembre 2005 14:55, Dag Andersen a écrit :
> On Onsdag 21 december 2005 14:17, fmdp wrote:
> > - doesn't handle correctly the task duration when set more than one
> > working plage per day (set 13:0->15:0 and 20:0->23:59)=> all tasks
> > are displayed as '1 day long' in the gantt
> I don't know what you expected to see , but it should display the task
> as starting 13:0 and ending 23:59. It doesn't show that no work is
> going on from 15:0 to 20:0.
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