[kplato] request

Raphael Langerhorst raphael-langerhorst at gmx.at
Sat Oct 30 19:30:41 CEST 2004

On Friday 29 October 2004 20:35, Mark Tombs wrote:
> Hi list
> I have a request for kplato functionality. Can it please, please,
> please not auto-schedule the way MS Project does, or at least make
> it optional? Its the most annoying thing. If I have an
> over-allocation or whatever, I prefer to be told about it and
> decide myself what to do, rather than have my tasks shifting all
> over the place.

I personally agree with this - I also want to be notified and asked 
before the program changes my schedule automagically.

> Don't know what the plans are re this, but thought I'd get in
> early...

good idea ;)

> thanks
> Mark

Some general thoughts on requests/wishlists:

KPlato IS in the KDE bugs database, wishlists can also be entered 
there. At the moment there is only 1 bug report in there - so it's 
not much used. What do you all think of using http://bugs.kde.org for 
all wishlists etc. that pop up on the list. The good thing is that if 
the devs don't have time to implement them right now, have no opinion 
about it or the task is more time consuming we at least have it 
written down somewhere (I don't see searching through ML archives as 
a good option).

Another option would be to add wishlists as such to the TODO file or 
the create a new file in CVS that lists wishlists (FEATUREREQUESTS or 
sth.). The bad thing about this option is that you actually have to 
checkout the cvs version to read that file - or use WebCVS which is 
pretty much the same.

So I would suggest using bugs.kde.org for wishlists, any opinions on 


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