[kplato] Current CVS of kplato

John Lamb J.D.Lamb at btinternet.com
Sat Nov 27 17:59:49 CET 2004

I've done several recent builds of kplato. But always when I start from 
a konsole it appears to go into an infinite loop - no segfaults.

I do a complete CVS build of koffice in /usr/local/koffice/kde. I've had 
no problems with the actual build. kspread and kword run without any 
problems and are CVS builds, as opposed to the versions in /opt/kde, but 
kplato isn't showing a GUI (or anything else). I can get it to show 
something by putting a kdebug in main.cc.

I build in a Build directory rather than source and have tried with 
various CXXFLAGS settings, but always the same result.

Any clues? I'd like to check some of the code, but this is tricky if I 
can't run the GUI.


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