[kplato] kplato part of kde....?

Richard Bos radoeka at xs4all.nl
Wed Nov 24 21:23:30 CET 2004

Op woensdag 24 november 2004 11:43, schreef Dag Andersen:
> I would have loved some sort of koffice/extras where apps not quite on
> par with minimum requirements could be released. This would imo also
> benefit koffice as such, as users wouldn't be so easily disappointed
> with *koffice* just because some app is not so far advanced.

What about a splash screen stating that the application is pre-alpha and that 
the app is included as a sneak preview.  The splash must be clicked to enter 
kplato for example.
The splash screen could mention the reasons why it is a sneak preview and not 
a released version of the application.

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless

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