[kplato] Fwd: [office] Project Management

Claus Agerskov ca at chbs.dk
Wed Dec 22 00:25:53 CET 2004

On Mon, 20 Dec 2004, David Faure wrote:

> During a phone conference about the OASIS OpenDocument XML format,
> the subject of project management came up, and Gary Edwards talked about
> an existing specification coming from Jabber. There are more details in 
> the attached mail, if this is of interest to any of you.

When I read what you and Gary Edwards are writing and what XMPP are about 
then it seems you are talking about collaboration and not what is typical 
data in a project management tool like task and ressource information 
(duration, start and end times, working time, rates, links between tasks, 
ressource allocation etc.).

But when I read the minutes of the OOXML meeting 2004-12-06 I see it as a 
format for project management tools like Microsoft Project, KPlato, 
Planner, Project Scheduler, TimeLine etc.

I would like to see the OOXML format extended to also include project 
management information.

The most enjoyable greetings
De herligste hilsner     _/
                      __/ | +           Jeg  vil  leve i en verden,  hvor
Claus Agerskov       /    (_   .        al  kommunikation  er baseret  på
Nøddelunden 110      |     _}     _     frie  og  åbne   standarder,   så
2765 Smørum          (    |_o `)(| )    enhver har friheden til at vælge.
ca at chbs.dk           \   /(_)-(_  ('         .       Claus Sørensen, 2001
                      |__\o./  _><o        []
http://www.chbs.dk            '--|'

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