[kplato] Fwd: [office] Project Management

Raphael Langerhorst raphael-langerhorst at gmx.at
Tue Dec 21 21:36:10 CET 2004

On Monday 20 December 2004 14:54, David Faure wrote:
> During a phone conference about the OASIS OpenDocument XML format,
> the subject of project management came up, and Gary Edwards talked
> about an existing specification coming from Jabber. There are more
> details in the attached mail, if this is of interest to any of you.

Hi all,

I'm certainly interested in this as file format was my second issue 
with KPlato (if at all possible I want KPlato 1.0 to have a stable 
and good file format).

Also the email touches many other aspects and not just 
one-application-file-format. I like most of the ideas and hope that I 
can somehow contribute (time!!) to this development.

@David: where is this further discussed? On the Open Office TC list? 
Or on another list where I can subscribe as a non-member of the TC? 
And thanks for cross-posting!!

@All: Also we could discuss _our_ needs as the KPlato project to such 
a "file format". I think the more projects participate the 
better-shaped such a specification can become.

Kind regards,

G System, The Evolving Universe - http://www.g-system.at

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