[kplato] intended unindent behaviour?

Thomas Zander zander at planescape.com
Thu May 15 21:42:41 CEST 2003

I'd chose the Mr version.

Basis is the simplicity, how many changes the user has to make in order
to undo the things Ms did while you did not want them.

Allow me to explain;
when you unindented 3, and then do an indent of 3, does that mean you get
the original setup? I believe it should (if not; undo would be really hard
to implement).

So regardless of what you/someone expects to happen; keeping the actions
simple means the user can always predict what the outcome would be of a
certain action.
If you overcomplicate things its easy to loose that mental model and in the
end the user will feel scared of changing things since it becomes hard to
manually return it to the previous state.

On Thu, May 15, 2003 at 01:43:15PM +0200, Heiko Evermann wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> at the moment I am working on the node edit possibilities.
> Moving up/down and indenting works quite well so far. I have also hidden 
> the root node in the gantt view. So far I have not checked this in, as 
> the milestone stuff that I told you about, is not yet done.
> I have one question about the unindent behaviour:
> Let us start with
> 1
>     2
>     3
>     4
> When I unindent node 3,
> MS Project shows
> 1
>     2
> 3
>     4
> and gnome/MrProject shows
> 1
>     2
>     4
> 3
> So MS Project also makes 4 a child of 3 instead of child of 1. And 
> MrProject just takes out node 3 and inserts it parallel to 1.
> I think the MS approach is more what the user might expect.
> Which one do we chose? Opinions?
> Regards,
> Heiko Evermann

Thomas Zander

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