[kplato] Question about the gantt view

Richard Bos radoeka at xs4all.nl
Wed May 7 00:18:27 CEST 2003

Op dinsdag 6 mei 2003 23:08, schreef Thomas Zander:
> I asked the same question when the project was just launched; that and
> more questions are probably best answered by checking the list archives..
> lists.kde.org
> The reason it fits into koffice is simple; the activity of creating a
> project planning is not about data gathering (which kdepim is about) its
> about communicating the planning (with KWord) to others and use the
> results in presentations/databases.
> This all has much to do with office applications.

If I remember well it has also to do with becoming a kpart.

The gant code was linked into because at the time it was just introduced in 
kdepim.  Like Thomas said, it should be some where in the list archives.

Ah found something... (almost 2 years ago!)

On Monday 11 June 2001 23:10, you wrote:
> My question to you is, would you like to give information about your
>  kproject, what is it able to do, whate are your ideas for the future, what
> is your roadmap, etc?  Would you like other people to get involved into
> your project?  

it's nice to hear that there is the need for a project app and some people
who want to spend time to develop it. 

i wanted to develop kproject for a long time but had too little time to
get it done. of course i give any ifnormation about kproject. 
so far, i wrote a widget for drawing gantt diagrams, which is in the
kde cvs already (kdepim) if you want to use it, you are welcome.
in the last weeks i wrote a lib for reflection and persistence in c++/qt
which should become the foundation of the kproject core. if you are interested
i can give some more info about that.

stay free,

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless

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