[kplato] projects, subprojects and tasks

Heiko Evermann Heiko.Evermann at gmx.de
Sat May 3 03:10:00 CEST 2003

Hi Thomas,

>>Well, I have had a look at MS Project and at gnome/mrproject. In both 
>>these programs a task becomes a subproject as soon as it gets some 
>>children. Child tasks can be generated simply by indenting other tasks.
>>I would also say that this is the behaviour that does not surprise the 
>Sounds fine then; but its too long ago that I looked at the code so I
>don't know how to solve that; I suspect you have an idea?
My first idea is to drop the subclasses of the node. If that is too 
little OOP, we can have a look at the state pattern from the "GOF".
One nice link about it is 
http://www002.upp.so-net.ne.jp/ys_oota/mdp/State/ :)
But the link 
http://exciton.cs.rice.edu/research/StatePat/seminar1/sld009.htm might 
be easier to read.

In our case the node would keep a reference to a state object. These 
state objects have the class hierarchy of Milestone, Project, Task, 
In all cases where this is neccessary, the node just forwards requests 
to its state object.
And just in case we have an edit operation that would require to change 
between task and project etc. we would replace the state object. The 
node object would remain.

Let's think about these alternatives and let us look for more 
alternatives, before we decide what to do.


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