[kplato] Two GUI questions

Thomas Zander kplato@kde.org
Sun, 23 Feb 2003 21:53:27 +0100

On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 08:59:56PM +0100, Thomas Zander wrote:
> HI,
> I noticed that there were absolutely no .ui files in kplato's CVS.
> So the attachment I sent will probably mean nothing to most of you!
> For that reason I took the existing projectDialog and converted that
> to a designer setup.
> This makes it easier for others to see how things work when using ui files..

Sorry to reply to my own emails..
It was not clear from the above that I put the dialog I posted a couple of
days ago in CVS, its very basic and the GUI does nothing.
But I think that the implementation behind it is something someone else (John?)
can do.

Hope someone picks this up!

Thomas Zander