[kplato] Two GUI questions

Thomas Zander kplato@kde.org
Sun, 23 Feb 2003 20:59:56 +0100


I noticed that there were absolutely no .ui files in kplato's CVS.
So the attachment I sent will probably mean nothing to most of you!

For that reason I took the existing projectDialog and converted that
to a designer setup.
This makes it easier for others to see how things work when using ui files..

Don't hesitate to ask me for info!

On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 09:45:38AM +0100, Thomas Zander wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 09:53:38PM +0000, John Lamb wrote:
> > 1. What is a good way to put durations (times) into the tasks in the
> > GUI? I think we need to enter them as a set of parameters for a 
> > distribution. The default should be a fixed distribution: the _time_ for 
> > the task. Then a PERT distribution: three times. Possibly, later other 
> > distributions. But, how do we enter a time? It will be too much to ask 
> > for days and hours and minutes and seconds always. One possibility is to 
> > set a time scale for the project: days, weeks, hours. Then the default 
> > is to ask for times in the project _time scale_.
> I suggest to give comprehensive input widgets and a very verbose direct
> feedback line.
> Hmm, an 'adjust' section would be nice; so adding 30 days does not require
> you to calculate the amount of weeks or months..
> What about the attached UI file :)
> I think that is a wonderful way to edit durations!
> What it should look like (functionality)
> The top label is adjusted continuesly to show the current duration.
> The 'less then a day' and 'amount of days' can be edited by the user and
> the top label should change.  The input field should get a custom made
> input verifier to make sure only digits and the chars 'dwy' for day, week
> year can be entered.
> The 'adjust time' field can be used to add or subtract time of the current
> duration.
> The 'ok' should then clean the spinbox so dubble-clicking does nothing.
> Naturally the ok should also update the top-label and the 'amount of days'
> lineedit
> Hope you like it.
> -- 
> Thomas Zander

Thomas Zander