[kplato] Urgent Unix Support Requirement for Frankfurt

Randy Felts kplato@kde.org
Wed, 27 Nov 2002 11:26:31 -0600

I wish I spoke German!  (Don't let the last name fool you.  I'm as American 
as they get...)  It would take me a couple of days to figure out how to ask 
where the bathrooms were and at least a month to figure out how to order food 
at a restaurant.  Actually, I'm good at picking up languages but the level he 
needs is probably four to six months of hard work for me. :-(

Good luck on the 'nixer hunting.


On Wednesday, November 27, 2002 06:16 am, J Schroeder wrote:
> Hi.
> If any of you guys are looking (or know of anyone looking) for a new
> position in Frankfurt,  I have a colleague looking for several Unix
> Support people there. Please
> drop me a mail if interested and I will forward details
> The rquirement involves: Knowledge of UNIX, SQL or programming languages,
> Standard Microsoft software, Native German speaker (also good knowledge of
> English)
> Best regards,
>  J. Schroeder
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