KPhotoAlbum 6.0.0 and KGeoTag 1.7.0 out now!

Tobias Leupold tl at
Sun Dec 8 10:59:40 GMT 2024

E-Mail von Martin Jost vom Sonntag, 8. Dezember 2024, 11:34:09 MEZ:
> Hello,
> (where) can I still find the 5.x line?
> As "announced" I currently can't compile 6.0, I've missed last 5.x and
> can't find it on the download page (only 6.x)

The older releases have been moved to

Whilst requesting uploading the 6.0.0 release to the mirrors, I noticed that forwards to that "Attic" 
directory. I asked Sysadmin why. This was the response:

    There was a bulk cleanup of stable/ where releases that were older than a
    year were wholesale moved to Attic/ to free up space (as we have to keep
    the stable/ tree under 50GB). It appears that with KPhotoAlbum that
    process inadvertently captured one too many releases - sorry about that.

But apparently, he's happy with 6.0.0 being the only release listed in stable/
kphotoalbum by now ...
> Martin
> Am 08.12.24 um 11:24 schrieb Tobias Leupold:
> Hi all,
> I'm very pleased to announce two releases at once: KPhotoAlbum 6.0.0 and
> KGeoTag 1.7.0! Both don't contain new functionality, but the major change is
> that both have been ported to Qt6/KF6.
> This addresses the upcoming Marble update: The 24.12.0 release coming in
> a few
> days will be the first official Qt6/KF6 one. For KPhotoAlbum, Marble is an
> optional dependency (albeit a very advisable one!), for KGeoTag, Marble is
> mandatory, as it wouldn't make too much sense without a map.
> The problem is that Qt5/KF5 Marble can't be co-installed with the Qt6/KF6
> version. The last KPhotoAlbum and KGeoTag versions would block the Marble
> update, but without it, the new versions can't be built. So the solution to
> this chicken-and-egg problem is to update all three at once.
> Please refer to the release announcements for further information (esp. the
> KGeoTag one, as KGeoTag 1.7.0 can both be linked against Qt5/KF5 and
> Qt6/KF6):
> For KPhotoAlbum, it's:
> and for KGeoTag, it's:
> I wish you a nice Advent season :-)
> Cheers, Tobias

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