[KPhotoAlbum] Crash when reducing number of pictures

Harald Barth haba+kphotoalbum at kth.se
Tue Jul 27 18:46:12 BST 2021

I just got the following crash scenario:

0. Settings: File Searching: [] Skip symbolic links (why is this not default ticked?)
1. Take database + picture tree with say 50k pictures
2. Make symlink at top to same picture tree, named newtree
3. Let kphotoalbum scan tree for new pictures
4. Wait
5. Now you have 100k pictures (duplicates) in database
6. Choose Folder->newtree
7. Mark all
8. Press delete
9. Choose "only remove 50 000 items from database" in dialog
10. Wait
11. Crash

It says "core dumped" but in spite of coredumpsize unlimited I can not
find a core :(

This is 5.6.1-1 Linux Mint. Now I will go back and restore from a database
which did not have the extra duplicate scanned images.


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