[KPhotoAlbum] Cleanup kphotoalbum database

Tobias Leupold tobias.leupold at gmx.de
Thu Oct 17 06:29:47 BST 2019

Hi Joan,

you can choose "Display images and videos not on disk", show the thumbnails 
and them delete the respective entries from the database.

Cheers, Tobias

Am Mittwoch, 16. Oktober 2019, 23:14:22 CEST schrieb Joan:
> Prior getting a definitive organization for my folders I moved a lot of
> pictures around. For example I used a software to delete duplicates.
> I would like now to cleanse the database from those files, but the options
> I see in the menĂº don't seem to imply that.
> Is there any method to accomplish this?
> [image: Screenshot_20191016_231336.png]
> Thanks, Joan

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