[KPhotoAlbum] Saving information into exiv

Joan aseques at gmail.com
Sun Aug 25 22:33:25 BST 2019

Hi Johannes,

I might try this last approach you comment, since I'm more confident at the
moment with python than others, my plan (still an idea only) would be to
create a script that would satisfy these points:

   - Simple to call (just passing the file name) and a couple of options
   - Safe to call (not overwriting, preserving originals)
   - Compliant (write the information in the places that make most sense
   for the tagging used)

I'l llet you know what can I accomplish

Missatge de Johannes Zarl-Zierl <johannes at zarl-zierl.at> del dia dv., 23
d’ag. 2019 a les 0:26:

> Hi Joan,
> Am Donnerstag, 22. August 2019, 18:33:38 CEST schrieb Joan:
> > Then, maybe the best way to accomplish what I want would be to add a new
> > plugin.
> > I would like that the Metadata crated in kphotoalbum was stored in the
> > photo exiv field, so I could reuse it on any other program, file
> explorer,
> > etc..
> > Where should I start? I have no experience developing in kde
> KPhotoAlbum currently supports two plugin types: KIPI plugins and purpose
> plugins.
> KIPI was specifically created with support for image metadata in mind, but
> is
> basically obsolete by now and will be removed from KPhotoAlbum some time
> in
> the future.
> Purpose, is a new plugin system that was created for much simpler needs
> (exporting images to websites). It does not currently support metadata
> export
> as you would need. The good news though is that purpose plugins can be
> improved to support this use-case.
> This means that you need to:
> 1. Add support for metadata-exports to purpose
> 2. Write a purpose plugin that exports the data to exif.
> If you're still interested I can put you in contact with the purpose
> maintainer and help you along the way (as far as my time allows).
> I should also mention that there's a different approach that may work for
> you:
> You could parse the index.xml file and use a script to write the info to
> the
> image files (don't forget to recompute the md5 sums in kphotoalbum
> afterwards).
> Cheers,
>   Johannes_______________________________________________
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