[KPhotoAlbum] Load-performance branch

Angel Lopez anglopm at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 14:17:08 BST 2018

Dear Robert,

I have been testing your brach.
First launch is indeed much faster (my computer is not very fast anyway).
Displaying of thumbnails takes longer (more than 10 seconds per image) . I
copy here the output in the console:


libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Reading metadata  pass  1  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Reading RAW data  pass  0  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Reading RAW data  pass  1  of  2
libkdcraw: Disabling LibRaw highlights adjustments
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Scaling colors  pass  0  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Scaling colors  pass  1  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Pre-interpolating  pass  0  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Pre-interpolating  pass  1  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Interpolating  pass  0  of  3
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Interpolating  pass  1  of  3
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Interpolating  pass  2  of  3
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Converting to RGB  pass  0  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Converting to RGB  pass  1  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw: data info: width= 5496  height= 3670  rgbmax= 255
libkdcraw: "/datos/Fotos/2018-06-01_Tesis Maria Cristina
-- RAW DECODING SETTINGS --------------------------------
-- autoBrightness:          true
-- sixteenBitsImage:        false
-- brightness:              1
-- RAWQuality:              0
-- inputColorSpace:         0
-- outputColorSpace:        1
-- RGBInterpolate4Colors:   false
-- DontStretchPixels:       false
-- unclipColors:            0
-- whiteBalance:            1
-- customWhiteBalance:      6500
-- customWhiteBalanceGreen: 1
-- halfSizeColorImage:      false
-- enableBlackPoint:        false
-- blackPoint:              0
-- enableWhitePoint:        false
-- whitePoint:              0
-- NoiseReductionType:      0
-- NoiseReductionThreshold: 0
-- enableCACorrection:      false
-- caMultiplier:            0, 0
-- medianFilterPasses:      0
-- inputProfile:            ""
-- outputProfile:           ""
-- deadPixelMap:            ""
-- whiteBalanceArea:        QRect(0,0 0x0)
-- dcbIterations:           -1
-- dcbEnhanceFl:            false
-- eeciRefine:              false
-- esMedPasses:             0
-- NRChrominanceThreshold:  0
-- expoCorrection:          false
-- expoCorrectionShift:     1
-- expoCorrectionHighlight: 0

libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Reading metadata  pass  1  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Reading RAW data  pass  0  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Reading RAW data  pass  1  of  2
libkdcraw: Disabling LibRaw highlights adjustments
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Scaling colors  pass  0  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Scaling colors  pass  1  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Pre-interpolating  pass  0  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Pre-interpolating  pass  1  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Interpolating  pass  0  of  3
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Interpolating  pass  1  of  3
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Interpolating  pass  2  of  3
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Converting to RGB  pass  0  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Converting to RGB  pass  1  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw: data info: width= 5496  height= 3670  rgbmax= 255
libkdcraw: "/datos/Fotos/2018-06-01_Tesis Maria Cristina
-- RAW DECODING SETTINGS --------------------------------
-- autoBrightness:          true
-- sixteenBitsImage:        false
-- brightness:              1
-- RAWQuality:              0
-- inputColorSpace:         0
-- outputColorSpace:        1
-- RGBInterpolate4Colors:   false
-- DontStretchPixels:       false
-- unclipColors:            0
-- whiteBalance:            1
-- customWhiteBalance:      6500
-- customWhiteBalanceGreen: 1
-- halfSizeColorImage:      false
-- enableBlackPoint:        false
-- blackPoint:              0
-- enableWhitePoint:        false
-- whitePoint:              0
-- NoiseReductionType:      0
-- NoiseReductionThreshold: 0
-- enableCACorrection:      false
-- caMultiplier:            0, 0
-- medianFilterPasses:      0
-- inputProfile:            ""
-- outputProfile:           ""
-- deadPixelMap:            ""
-- whiteBalanceArea:        QRect(0,0 0x0)
-- dcbIterations:           -1
-- dcbEnhanceFl:            false
-- eeciRefine:              false
-- esMedPasses:             0
-- NRChrominanceThreshold:  0
-- expoCorrection:          false
-- expoCorrectionShift:     1
-- expoCorrectionHighlight: 0

libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Reading metadata  pass  1  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Reading RAW data  pass  0  of  2
Aborting aboutToFinish handling.
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Reading RAW data  pass  1  of  2
libkdcraw: Disabling LibRaw highlights adjustments
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Scaling colors  pass  0  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Scaling colors  pass  1  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Pre-interpolating  pass  0  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Pre-interpolating  pass  1  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Interpolating  pass  0  of  3
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Interpolating  pass  1  of  3
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Interpolating  pass  2  of  3
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Converting to RGB  pass  0  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw progress:  Converting to RGB  pass  1  of  2
libkdcraw: LibRaw: data info: width= 5496  height= 3670  rgbmax= 255

Hope this helps.
Or could be just something wrong with my setup and not with your code, of
course !!

----------- Angel ------------

2018-06-05 14:40 GMT+02:00 Robert Krawitz <rlk at alum.mit.edu>:

> On Tue, 5 Jun 2018 09:13:28 +0200, Angel Lopez wrote:
> > Now I managed to compile. The load-performance-stable branch went better.
> > I just neede to comment a couple of lines in
> > /RemoteControl/RemoteConnection.cpp
> >
> > protocolDebug() <<
> > qPrintable(QTime::currentTime().toString(QString::fromUtf8("
> hh:mm:ss.zzz")))
> >                                << ": Received " << qPrintable(id);
> I've seen that too, but it's not related to my changes.
> > But after opening the kphotoalbum (very fast, although not fully tested),
> > the display of thumbnails is very slow, and also opening photographs (CR2
> > files).
> What does "very slow" mean, specifically?  And is this only for new
> files or for all files?
> I'm very surprised that display of .cr2 files is slower.  Can you run
> it from the command line and see if there are any messages from RAW
> decoding?
> > Will test more and report it.
> --
> Robert Krawitz                                     <rlk at alum.mit.edu>
> ***  MIT Engineers   A Proud Tradition   http://mitathletics.com  ***
> Member of the League for Programming Freedom  --  http://ProgFree.org
> Project lead for Gutenprint   --    http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net
> "Linux doesn't dictate how I work, I dictate how Linux works."
> --Eric Crampton
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