[KPhotoAlbum] wrong GPS position

Tobias Leupold tobias.leupold at gmx.de
Tue Jul 17 07:47:31 BST 2018

Hi all,

until now, I couldn't reproduce this. It also sounds odd that some 
positions seem to be off by a few kilometers ... we don't calculate 
anything, but only feed the map widget with the very GPS coordinates given 
by the images (and stored in the EXIF DB since Johannes implemented this).

I'll further try to reproduce it ...


Am Dienstag, 17. Juli 2018 01:09:04 CEST schrieb Robert Krawitz:
> On Mon, 16 Jul 2018 21:27:12 +0200, Reimar Imhof wrote:
>> Hi Tobias,
>> thanks for your reply.
>> The problem is: The error is not photo related. It seems it could be
>> any photo. If you add one photo at a time to the exif db it seems
>> all good. The more you add at a time the bigger the chance you get ...
> It doesn't look likely given the code, but I couldn't rule it out.
> Does this reproduce with KPA 5.3?  If not, can you bisect to the
> change at which it does happen?
> Given that the behavior sounds like it's nondeterministic, it's just
> possible that my performance changes did this.  In which case I'll
> need a set of photos that exhibits this behavior, even
> non-deterministically.

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