[KPhotoAlbum] Message on renaming categories

Risto H. Kurppa risto at kurppa.fi
Sat Feb 14 08:22:02 GMT 2015

Hi there and congrats on 4.6!!

I pulled the latest GIT version (as I failed to install the 4.6 deb).

When starting KPA, I get this message:

"This version of KPhotoAlbum will fix some issues with old category names
by renaming them. As a consequence, existing tag and category thumbnails
have to be moved accordingly. If you select "Yes", please be sure to save
the database as your next step. If you select "No", you won't see the
thumbnails for the respective categories now. If you do so, please don't
save the database. Otherwise, the thumbnails will be lost!

Should the existing category and tag thumbnails be updated now?"

[YES / NO]

I have no idea what to press..
YES -> It changes stuff and rebuilds tag thumbails and then I should
immediately save?
NO -> It doesn't change anything and still I can't see thumbnails and I'm
not allowed to save?

Someone please clarify me how this works and what should I press and then
try also to clarify the text..


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi
| http://risto.kurppa.fi
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