[KPhotoAlbum] Maintenance / Merge duplicates

Johannes Zarl isilmendil at isilme.lupus.uberspace.de
Thu May 16 15:45:09 BST 2013

[resending to the list because I used the wrong sender address last time]


I will have to take some time to properly respond to your message. Until then, 
I'll just answer the things that immediately caught my eye:

> I just discovered "Maintenance/Merge duplicates".
> (I was about to write me a perl hack for similar effect, based on the
> md5 sums in index.xml)

If you do a perl hack, you might consider improving on the Image::KimDaBa cpan 
module. The module is quite outdated, but maybe it can be turned into 
something useful again...

> 4.
> I would like to export the list of duplicates as a text file, giving the
> line number in index.xml.
> Preferably this should be 'grep -n' like output (because emacs
> understands this and can jump from location to location, when using such
> a list)

IMO this would be better handled by an external script.

Sorry for not answering the other points yet -- Maybe Miika or Jesper have 
some thoughts on these...


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