[KPhotoAlbum] Exif-Infodialog: More obvious UI?

Miika Turkia miika.turkia at gmail.com
Wed Mar 6 15:52:12 GMT 2013

On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 9:46 PM, Johannes Zarl
<isilmendil at isilme.lupus.uberspace.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> To all users of the exif info dialog: do you use the label search feature?

I never realized it existed. However, now that it is pointed out, even
the original version is rather obvious. Red text should ring a bell.

> A while ago, I found out about the label search in the exif dialog (more or
> less by pure chance; back then there was no UI feedback for this at all). For
> reference: you can highlight exif labels by giving the keyboard focus to the
> grid component in the exif search dialog, and then entering a search text.
> I think that a search box would be more intuitive (see patch), making it
> obvious that there is some search functionality in that dialog.

A more todays approach would be to allow the searching without any
focus tricks. Just start typing while the exif info window is in
focus. Just like e.g. when Ubuntu's file damager - whatever you start
to type is used to search.

> Question is: does the additional searchbox interfere with anyones workflow?
> (e.g. because of altered keyboard focus etc.)
> If not, I just push it to master...

I am not fore or against, rather vise versa (as one of our politician
said a couple of years back).


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