[KPhotoAlbum] git: Problems with German Umlaute as tokens

Martin Jost lists at majo.name
Tue Sep 4 19:13:06 BST 2012


I came across a problem with (nearly) current KPA from git:
>> git log | head
> commit 37ff44e2abf2ee046ce4a5bd478e2a34f3f09c14 Author: Jesper K.
> Pedersen <blackie at kde.org> Date:   Fri Aug 24 21:59:35 2012 +0200
> Changed when the thumbnail cycler is active Now it is always active,
> unless the cursor is over an image that is selected and the control
> key is pressed down This allows contrl+plus/minus to work to chaning
> the current video image, while maximizing the visibility of the
> thumbnail cyckling

I (somewhat accidentally) tried to enter a German Umlaut (in my case
'ö') as token, when the foto was visible in the viewer: (By just typing
the letter)
The attached screenshot shows, what I got:
The token 'T', which I entered before ended up as expected.
But the 'ö' is now shown as
"Zuweisen: Tokens/öt" (first line)
The 't' ended up here, when I type 't' another time. Normally, it should
have reverted the present token 't'.

When I closed the viewer and selected the another foto in the viewer and
then again this one, the "Zuweisen: Tokens/öt" was no longer present.

When I saved the index.xml, only the token 't' ended up there. There was
nothing to be seen of the 'ö' and the second 't'.

I later tried entering 'ö' again (same result). When changing between
fotos in the viewer with [PageUp]/[PageDown], the "Zuweisen: Tokens/öt"
was then to be seen on each of the fotos. (Without entering it again)

Other Umlaute (äüß) behaved in the same way, also ''#' and '*'.
(Although I didn't try all chars on my keyboard...)

This behaviour is somewhat surprising. As an ideal solution I would like
the possibility to use all chars as tokens, as long as the character has
no special meaning in the viewer (like '+' and '-')



(Probably boring) background: I like and use the possibility to enter
tokens in the viewer, by just entering the letter very much. In fact I
usually do all the tagging for names by viewing the fotos and entering
the first letter of the name as token. In a second step I select the
tokened fotos and set the real name, then remove the token.
Because there is a big chance of overlap between the first char of the
names, as soon as I have more than a few people on the fotos from one
session, I would like as much chars as possible. Because I also use
tokens for special meanings (like 'd' for "garbage, *D*elete it, or 't'
for tokenized - all names complete) I would like to shift this off to
some of the special chars like '#', ',', ...

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