[KPhotoAlbum] 4.2 possibly during the weekend

Johannes Zarl isilmendil at gmx.net
Fri Mar 23 15:10:39 GMT 2012

On Friday 23 March 2012 09:45:54 Miika Turkia wrote:
> I just might go for pushing the next release out during the weekend
> unless there is something critical still amiss.
> If you have something on the works that should be included (like the
> German translations) just let me know with a suggestion of when you
> expect the work to be ready for inclusion. There really isn't any
> deadline when to release so I might postpone for a few days. But I
> would rather get it done than postpone it for unforeseeable future.

I had planned to do the german tranlation over the weekend. So this release-
date is kind of too soon for me. Also, the german translator should have a 
chance to proof-read it before pushing it to the repository.
How about scheduling the release date for the next weekend (March 31)?

Code-wise I think we're ready for the release.

Well, except may be the diff below, which should make things easier for 


diff --git a/MainWindow/AutoStackImages.cpp b/MainWindow/AutoStackImages.cpp
index 92b3e74..52bae11 100644
--- a/MainWindow/AutoStackImages.cpp
+++ b/MainWindow/AutoStackImages.cpp
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ AutoStackImages::AutoStackImages( QWidget* parent, const DB::IdList& list )
     lay1->addWidget( containerContinuous );
     QHBoxLayout* hlayContinuous = new QHBoxLayout( containerContinuous );
-    _continuousShooting = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Stack images that are shot within" ) );
+    _continuousShooting = new QCheckBox( i18nc( "autostack:bytime", "Stack images that are shot within" ) );
     _continuousShooting->setChecked( true );
     hlayContinuous->addWidget( _continuousShooting );
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ AutoStackImages::AutoStackImages( QWidget* parent, const DB::IdList& list )
     _continuousThreshold->setValue( 2 );
     hlayContinuous->addWidget( _continuousThreshold );
-    QLabel* sec = new QLabel( i18n( "seconds" ), containerContinuous );
+    QLabel* sec = new QLabel( i18nc( "autostack:bytime", "seconds" ), containerContinuous );
     hlayContinuous->addWidget( sec );                                                                                                                                                                                                       
     QGroupBox* grpOptions = new QGroupBox( i18n("AutoStacking Options") );

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