[KPhotoAlbum] Smooth scrolling

Andreas Neustifter andreas.neustifter at gmail.com
Sun Dec 12 20:17:07 GMT 2010

Hi all!

On 4 December 2010 13:07, Andreas Neustifter
<andreas.neustifter at gmail.com> wrote:
> with my selfcompiled (Ubuntu 10.10) KPA the Thumbnail View scrolls one
> page at a time with the mouses scroll wheel. I'm not sure if that's
> due to my setup or if that is the case on any mouse/window
> manager/os/kpa combination but for me this makes it really hard to
> look for images since I loose the context to quickly.
> I have written a small patch that drafts a smooth scrolling behaviour.
> It not simply scrolls slower but keeps an backlog of the speed with
> which the user scrolled. This backlog is used to determine the average
> scrolling speed. Additionally the speed is scaled non linearly to have
> slow scrolling when moving the wheel slowly but scrolling really fast
> when the wheel is rolled fast for a longer period of time.
> Ah, whom am I kidding, this is hard to explain, please try it! I would
> really appreciate the feedback on that matter.

I revised this patch, please have a look!

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