[KPhotoAlbum] KPA 4.1.1: stacking problems

Martin Jost lists at majo.name
Fri Dec 25 17:46:46 GMT 2009


I finally tried to track down my stacking issues more closely.
(Some stacks do not open; in other stacks moving images out of the
stack, make them "jump" to a totally different place...)

For that purpose I've written a perl-hack, which tries to analyze the
stacking structures in index.xml.
(This perl hack (KPAstacks) is attached as a somewhat dubious christmas
gift to the KPA community)

Currently the following checks are done:
- StackId and StackOrder are only allowed together
- Each combination of StackId/StackOrder is allowed only once
- The StackOrder are numbered consecutive, starting with 1
  (This also means, that no images outside any stack or with another
   StackId are allowed in between)
- Each image (as identified by 'fileName' is only allowed once;
  either within a stack or outside.

I found all sorts of mishap in my index.xml:
- Several images, carrying the same StackId/StackOrder (surely a bug)
- Stacks with other images in between (belonging to another stack, or
outside any stack)
- Quite often, the image with stackOrder=1 is separated from the other
  images in the stack. In between were even images from a different folder.
  (This is the single, most often reported issue, found by my tool)

All in all, 25 % of all stacks had problems.

The perl hack does *not* change the input file. So you can have a try,
without running risk of spoiling something.
Have a look at "KPAstack -h" for details.

I'm now fixing the reported issues, by hand-editing index.xml. I will
than have a try, if the issues reappear, when using KPA 4.1.1.


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