[KPhotoAlbum] Unable to open the Find Dialog

Baptiste MATHUS ml at batmat.net
Mon May 12 17:34:14 BST 2008

2008/5/10 Jan Kundrát <jkt at gentoo.org>:

> Baptiste MATHUS wrote:
>> Done and attached.
>> But it seems to me the stack is not a lot bigger :-/. Should I start KPA
>> with some debugging option? Or maybe it's something related to my KDE4
>> environment more than with KPA? (Though I don't understand why only the
>> annotationdialog seems to be problematic, btw). Do you have any hint of
>> where to look at?
> Hi Baptiste, sorry for delay. I'm sorry, but this trace is not any more
> usable :(. You might want to completely nuke your SVN checkout and while
> building, use the `make VERBOSE=1` to see if gcc really picks the debugging
> flags.
> You should see lines similar to this one:
> /usr/bin/c++   -O2 -march=prescott -pipe -ggdb  -Wnon-virtual-dtor
> -Wno-long-long [SNIP]

Well, after cleaning everything and recompiling. It still didn't work. So, I
end up installing/reinstalling a bunch of kde4 devel packages. I don't
really know what fixed the problem ?!, but anyway now I can open the find
dialog. Seems like I'm back on the KPA trunk bug hunting :-).

Thanks for your help.

Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS
BMathus at Batmat point net - http://batmat.net
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repartirons tous les deux avec deux idées... C'est ça le Libre.
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