[KPhotoAlbum] Database out of Sync

Jan Kundrát jkt at gentoo.org
Wed Sep 12 21:29:14 BST 2007

Hi Stefan,
I guess I should've replied earlier. Sorry for delay.

> the photo exists on the hard disk but is only listed among those shown in
> "Maintenance"->"Show photos not on hard disk", hence I cannot access the
> photo through KPA anymore.

Umm, could you please re-phrase that a bit? That menu item should show
pictures that are present in the DB but aren't readable from the disk.
Can you access them from another applications? What are their names? Are
you using the same user account?

> I already tried in vain the two options given under maintenance: "Search
> for new Pictures and Videos" and "Recalculate Checksum" (BTW,
> recalculate checksum was a pain, since I had to manually acknowledge
> each single missing photo - and there are about 500 of those by now!
> Please add a "yes for all"-button!)

http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=121403 , fixed

> but I plan to use EXT3 and a Windows-EXT2-driver in the near future).

Some people claim it's buggy, just FYI.

> deleting the deleted images from the KPA database is a bug already fixed in the very latest SVN version, right?)

There was a bug in the reworked delete dialog which prevented deletion
of non-existant files. This has been fixed.

> Thanks for any advice,

I'm afraid I don't fully understand what is your issue, sorry. Could you
try to describe it differently?


cd /local/pub && more beer > /dev/mouth

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