[KPhotoAlbum] Performance problem with viewing images

Baptiste MATHUS ml at batmat.net
Wed Nov 7 21:28:21 GMT 2007

2007/11/7, Robert Krawitz <rlk at alum.mit.edu>:
>    I can't really reproduce your issue. I've set thumbanil size to a
>    few pixels, sought to the middle of my collection (so that
>    thumbnails were loading in the background), selected several rows
>    of them and pressed enter to show them. They appeard in a few
>    seconds, which isn't perfect, but is far from one minute, and they
>    appeard earlier than all thumbnails were decoed in the thumbnail
>    widget.
> It doesn't matter how big the thumbnails are.  If you select just a
> few rows of them, you won't see this effect, since the number of
> queued up images will be small.  You need to select a thousand or so.

On my config, I was thinking the image display was recently slowed down.
According to what Robert says, with the patch that was done some months ago
about selecting only on thumbnail and press enter => it loads every photos
currently displayed. So could it be possible that this lag would be found
also while showing only one image?


Baptiste MATHUS
BMathus at Batmat point net - http://batmat.net
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