[KPhotoAlbum] PATCH: remove some ImageRequest memory leaks

Jesper K. Pedersen blackie at blackie.dk
Wed May 2 12:45:27 BST 2007

I'd say do not port in that case, unless the leak is utterly heavy.

On Wednesday 02 May 2007 13:13, Tuomas Suutari wrote:
| On Tuesday 01 May 2007 02:37, Henner Zeller wrote:
| > Hi,
| Hi
| > As usual to be found here:
| >  http://vicdor.org/kpatches/#remove-image-request-memleaks
| Your patch seem fine and I applied it. Thanks.
| Though I'd like some more testing for this code before porting to 3.0.x.
| Could someone else test trunk >=660334 and report here? (Especially
| scrolling on thumbnails page uses this code.)

Having trouble finding a given image in your collection containing
thousands of images?

http://www.kphotoalbum.org might be the answer.

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