[KPhotoAlbum] read-only web interface

Jan Kundrát jkt at gentoo.org
Mon Mar 26 16:40:25 BST 2007

Risto H. Kurppa wrote:
> I myself would propably prevent search engines
> spidering my page (even .htaccess protection..?) but I think it's a
> good idea to have the possibility to allow SE:s to index the albums.

Yup, it will work like "export only images having 'web' in 'keywords'".

>> b) What is the best way to express stuff like "show me all pics from
>> 2001-2004 where I can see Peter with either Alice or Bob, taken by Adam"
>> in URLs?
> I'd go for parameters, like
> index.php?start_year=2001&end_year=2004&people=peter,(alice,bob)&photographer=adam
> This would be easy to parse (I hope you're doing this on PHP..?) but
> also easy to read and even change and create searches manually by just
> editing the URL
> The people=peter,(alice,bob) can be a bit more difficult, but might work..
> Since the other option would me using some ID:s like
> people=25,(62,25)&photographer=62 .. hmm.. This would be easier for
> you (AFAIK, the info is stored with some kind of ID:s?) to get the
> information but difficult to actually use.

How would you handle query "show me either stuff taken by Peter where
James is or by Adam withJimmy"? I'm afraid that I can't really use a
"tree-adressing" (like classical URL) for search criteria and will have
to stick with "/query/(Adam in Photographer & Jimmy in People)|(James in
People & Peter in Photographer)".

It isn't much more difficult to support real names instead of numerical IDs.

> Maybe the most important thing for me in a web interface would be able
> to easily manage images (as well as tags..) shown in the album.. I'd
> like (to have a possibility for ) it use a copy of the actual database
> (to use a 'real' server vs. my desktop computer) and if I want to
> allow people to see only pictures from some parties, say, I want it to
> hide all the other tags but also somehow make it easy to copy the
> images to web, needed for the party gallery.

Tag filtering (don't copy a "tag group" and/or some values) to the web
should be pretty easy to implement, but I'm not sure if it has any real use.

> Hmm.. Would be nice to have the date optional - to allow the user to
> modify the naming convetion of the folders (for example
> domain.com/albums/grannys-90 etc.)

Tell me how to store such information to the KPA database. My app won't
use any other information source.

Only way I can think about is another property ("category"/"tag
group"/...) like "event"... in fact, it makes perfect sense to use that,
 as you could use super-categories then for classifying events/albums
like "hiking", "parties" etc.

> Oh, ok, you'll write python and not PHP, ok. Kind of good since you
> can assign python scripts to cron to run once a day or something to
> create static pages (for example scan through the database to see what
> tags actually are used?)

As PHP supports CLI mode, Python is no different here. The sole reason
is that I like to use a Real Programming Language (tm).

> Extension to this is a printable PDF  :)

If there's some Apache filter that can do XSL:FO and someone writes the
stylesheet, it's possible.

> Great work Jan, please let us know what's going on!

Please keep in mind that nothing is done now and the final result might
look very different from what is described in this thread.


cd /local/pub && more beer > /dev/mouth

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