[KPhotoAlbum] a working photo interface

Tero Tilus tero at tilus.net
Fri Mar 2 07:56:00 GMT 2007

On Fri, 02 Mar 2007, Lars Clausen wrote:
> However, the unique-within-toplevel assumption means that this only
> allows me one quality rating per photo, not per purpose.

And that's because they fundamentally are enumerations, not nodes in
hierarchy and name is the identity of the tag.  The fact that tags can
additionally be organized to form a hierarchy does not change the
fundamental nature.

You could work around it by (pre|post)fixing your per purpose ratings
with purpose.  "Good for Nitpicking" instead of just "Good".  Amount
of tags would be the same than amount of nodes when using genuine

Tero Tilus ## +358 (0)50 3635 235 ## http://www.tilus.net/koti/tero/

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