[KPhotoAlbum] exif and video

Eugen Dedu Eugen.Dedu at pu-pm.univ-fcomte.fr
Fri Jan 19 14:05:50 GMT 2007


I take both pictures (jpg) and videos (avi with motion jpeg) with my 
Canon PowerShot A95 camera.  I have noticed that kphotoalbum uses the 
avi file modification date instead of exif fields.  And the last 
modification date of the avi file is the date I downloaded the avi file 
from the camera (I use gphoto2).

Now, the questions:
- Do avi files with motion jpeg use exif data?  I.e. do jpeg frames in 
an avi file have exif information?
- If yes, may kphotoalbum use the exif info from the first frame?

Eugen Dedu

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