[KPhotoAlbum] How do you develop with KPA/Qt

Baptiste MATHUS ml at batmat.net
Thu Apr 19 07:18:36 BST 2007

OK, thanks everybody. Maybe I'll give a try to emacs.

But I'm wondering if I could get the same level of feature I have with
Eclipse in Java (yes, that's my language at work :)).

With emacs, is there  the equivalent of those features? I use it every day
when developping Java:
* autocomplete,
* be able to go a method definition by clicking on it?
* finding class by name by typing it in a special box,
* see the documentation of a method in a tooltip when flying over it
* find all the places where a given method is called
* ...
(Obviously, all those uppers things are a matter of using a single

Or else, I could also try using the eclipse CDT.

Thanks again.

2007/4/19, Shawn Willden <shawn-kimdaba at willden.org>:
> On Wednesday 18 April 2007 16:01, Tuomas Suutari wrote:
> > I use Emacs and gdb. Emacs is quite powerful tool for C++ development.
> > When compining inside emacs, you can jump to errors/warnings, just like
> > in other IDEs. Debugging inside Emacs with gdb works great too (you can
> > step code line-by-line, set break-points, etc.). And for revision
> > control I use svn-status mode of Emacs.
> Ditto, in every respect.
> If you think that EMACS isn't a powerful and efficient development
> environment, it just means you don't know EMACS.  Of course, the flip side
> of
> that is that EMACS is far from easy to learn.
>         Shawn.
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Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS
BMathus at Batmat point net - http://batmat.net
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repartirons tous les deux avec deux idées... C'est ça le Libre.
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