[KPhotoAlbum] Second release candidate of KPhotoAlbum 3.0.2

Tuomas Suutari thsuut at utu.fi
Thu Apr 12 18:17:37 BST 2007

It seems that rc1 was still too slow at start-up [1], so here is rc2.

Rc2 doesn't check for cycles in member maps at start-up, because that's 
too slow with large databases. But after db is loaded, cycles are 
checked and cannot be created. (So only way to get cycles is to have 
those already in your index.xml file.)

If you have time to test, please report any problems/bugs here.

Source code (and documentation) available at:

Translations are in a separate package at:

[1] Risto tested with his db (43000 images) with and without cycle 
checking. Start-up times: 4min40s vs. 2min28s with his 1 GHz AMD.

Tuomas Suutari | +358 50 3806983 | thsuut at utu.fi

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