[KPhotoAlbum] Super-category management

Baptiste MATHUS ml at batmat.net
Tue Nov 21 00:35:06 GMT 2006

Hi all,

It's been a long time I'm wondering why in KPA it's possible to do
that, say a super-category A would be composed of B, C and... A.

I don't think it's logical and I don't see a use case where it could
be useful. So, I think that when selecting categories of a
super-category, the super-category should not be present.

I never programmed with Qt (cuf cuf, before tonight) but did some C++
and a lot of C some years ago. So I just did a small patch to show
it's easy to patch the code so as to proceed as I'm proposing. This
patch also modifies the code to not act when clicking on the category
that was already selected so its children were already selected too.

Feel free to have a look at it and to modify it so as it looks more Qt
like code if you please.
Let me know what you think.

Baptiste <Batmat> Mathus
BMathus at Batmat point net - http://batmat.net
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repartirons tous les deux avec deux idées... C'est ça le Libre.
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