[KPhotoAlbum] Video feature for newcomers, "ergonomics" :-)

Baptiste MATHUS ml at batmat.net
Sat Nov 18 16:10:04 GMT 2006

Maybe this subject would be a good idea to process before release ? At
least "View images" doesn't make much sense anymore.

The "Show thumbnails" you proposed is ok for me, though.

2006/9/18, Baptiste MATHUS <ml at batmat.net>:
> 2006/9/17, Jesper K. Pedersen <blackie at blackie.dk>:
> > On Saturday 16 September 2006 20:11, Baptiste MATHUS wrote:
> > | I'd see that :
> > | * Replacing "View images" by "View all" or something like that
> > | => clicking on it would show every images AND videos, as it does now.
> > How about Show thumbnails?
> Yeah, why not.
> > |
> > | * clicking on the images or vids numbers would respectively show you
> > | only images or vids you own.
> > |
> > | What do you think ?
> > First, that is not going to be hard to impl, second why should I not be able
> > to see both at the same time.
> You could already see both at the same time, clicking on the left
> column (the future "view all" or "show thumbnails" one).
> > If you want only say images, then press the
> > media type folder.
> Well, I feel it's just a bit long to do : three clicks for me, instead of one ?

Baptiste <Batmat> Mathus
BMathus at Batmat point net - http://batmat.net
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repartirons tous les deux avec deux idées... C'est ça le Libre.

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