[KPhotoAlbum] Re: [Bug 126506] New: slow performance missing feedback

Aaron VonderHaar gruen0aermel at gmail.com
Tue May 30 06:58:56 BST 2006

I was intrigued by these emails, so I did a little test of my own.
This is on a 1.33GHz ibook G4 (ppc), 1.5GB RAM + 1.8GB swap.  All test
images are randomly generated 64x64 indexed color png.

With 10,000 images, with no tags or keywords assigned:
splash screen appears at 0:03.
main window appears at 0:26.
saving takes 11 seconds.

with 10,000 images, with 3 persons and 2 keywords assigned to all
splash screen appears at 0:03.
"Load Main Window" appears at 0:15.
"Searching for images" appears at 0:22.
main window appears at 0:32.
saving takes 13 seconds.

with 20,000 images, with 3 persons and 2 keywords assigned to half of
the images:
splash screen appears at 0:05.
"Load Main Window" appears at 0:26.
"Searching for images" appears at 0:34.
main window appears at 0:56.
saving takes 19 seconds.

To tabularize,

               10000   10000  20000
             (no tags) (tags)
splash     :   0:03     0:03   0:05
"loading"  :    --      0:15   0:26
"searching":    --      0:22   0:34
ttl startup:   0:26     0:32   0:56
saving     :    11s      13s    19s

I was curious from the previous emails whether there would be a jump in
times somewhere between 7000 images and 20000 images.  But for my test
at least, this was not the case: 20000 was not disproportionally slower
than 10000.

--Aaron V.

On Mon, 29 May 2006 19:57:11 +0200
Martin Hoeller <martin at xss.co.at> wrote:

> On 29 May 2006, Martin Hoeller wrote:
> > My load times on an old AMD Athlon 650MHz with only 256MB of RAM
> > are "acceptable" (read < 1 min.) with about 7000 Images in my DB.
> > Don't have concrete timings at hand now. I'll have a look when I'm
> > back home.
> Here are some timings:
> Splashscreen showing "Loading Database":	~21s
> Splashscreen showing "Loading Main Window":	~ 9s
> Total application startup time:			~33s
> Opening the search window take about 2-3s.
> All this on an old AMD Athlon processor with 256MB RAM + 512MB swap.
> The timings were measured right after booting the machine, so all
> caches were clean!
> - martin

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