[KPhotoAlbum] A couple of RFE's about tokens

Martin Hoeller martin at xss.co.at
Tue Jul 18 06:42:28 BST 2006

Hi Robert!

On Tuesday 18 July 2006 02:40 Robert L Krawitz wrote:
> I have a few things I'd like to see change about how tokens work.
> 1) Use the unshifted letter ('a') to add a token, and the shifted
>    letter ('A') to remove it.  At least make this an option.  The
>    toggle behavior can be very inconvenient if we're looking through
>    pictures and I don't remember which state the token's in -- I have
>    to pop the info box to find out.  Having one key to set and another
>    key to clear a token would be more convenient in this scenario.

I guess you know this already but just in case: popping up the infobox is a 
rather simple task using shortcuts (Ctrl-I per default).

Anyway, your request makes pretty much sence to me and could IMHO save one 
some time while taging images.

> 2a) Allow Boolean logic (or at least a subset) on the tokens
>    (e. g. some efficient way to select "all images with tokens A, Q,
>    and Z" -- or perhaps "A, Q, or Z" might be better here).

This IS possible. Just use the search dialog. Maybe you just didn't show the 
token pane in the dialog? However, using boolean logic is not that simple 
for non-technical users i would say. How would one know, that using '!' 
infront of a keyword or token inverts the meaning?

> 3) Allow use of tokens in the search window.

see above.

- martin
    mailto:martin.hoeller at xss.co.at  | Any fool can write a program
http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e9926483  | a computer can understand.
                       icq:45563199  | Good programmers write code
                                     | that humans can understand.
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